

Metal Immortal E.P.

Lady Beast are a heavy metal band from the USA formed in 2009, releasing their self titled debut album in 2012, followed by 'Lady Beast II' in 2015. The four song E.P. 'Metal Immortal' was released in 2016.    
If you are a fan of the NWOBHM and also the traditional heavy metal sound and have never heard of Lady Beast...where the bloody hell have you been? Lady Beast are a female fronted heavy metal band from the USA and deliver excellent NWOBHM sounding, fast paced heavy metal that epitomises everything great about the genre.    
"the life of heavy metal is the way" screams lead singer Deborah Levine during the opening salvo 'Metal Martyr'. The song has just the most awesome guitar sound and the blistering pace will have you banging your head...hard! The twin guitar attack and the galloping rhythm takes you back to the mid eighties when the NWOBHM evolution was in full swing with legendary British icons Iron Maiden and Judas Priest leading the way. Lady Beast are in no way a retro band, hell no, they are a modern band with modern influences but also incorporate the elements of old school metal, those elements that make it the great genre it is today. With chugging guitars and a foot stomping relentless rhythm, 'Devils Due' maintains the high energy, high intensity of the opening song. Clean and clear vocals, catchy and infectious guitar hooks and a mile wide smile will appear across the faces of all heavy metal fans the world over.    
A more melodic feel enters the fray as 'Lady Of The Battle' chimes into life with a buzzing, chainsaw style guitar sound. 'Lady Of The Battle' is addictive listening with one of the best guitar solos off the E.P. There are few bands around that release albums (or indeed E.P.'s) that are energetic and full of pace from start to finish. Lady Beast are among the bands that do, and as the E.P. heads to its end in the shape of 'Not This Time', the pace increases and the ride is exhilarating as the guitars duel, the rhythm thunders and the vocal delivery is straight out of the top drawer. Lady Beast are a growing band and definitely one to watch...the future of heavy metal is in safe hands.    
Overall, epitomising everything the NWOBHM stands for, this four song E.P. is a blistering, head bangingly addictive release.    
Review by Iron Mathew Collins    
Reviewed for Inferno Records    
Review is also featured at Metal Gods TV    
Other Reviews    

Lady Beast II      
"classic NWOBHM sound delivered at a head bangingly addictive pace, with buzzing guitars, galloping rhythms and a superb vocal display" Read Review      

Vicious Breed      
"a bustling slice of "foot on the monitor" style heavy metal from a band very much on the up, making a huge impact on the world wide heavy metal scene" Read Review      

The Vulture's Amulet      
"a sizzling album of energy and bombast, 'The Vulture's Amulet' is a top notch metal album worthy of a place next to grandmasters 'Maiden and 'Priest" Read Review      

Omens E.P.      
"a five song gallop of traditional heavy metal, highly melodic and overly infectious, 'Omens' is world class" Read Review      

The Inner Alchemist      
"" Read Review Here When Published...Coming Soon      