



Enforcer are a heavy metal band from Sweden formed in 2005 releasing six albums to date - 'Into The Night' (2008), 'Diamonds' (2010), 'Death By Fire' (2013), 'From Beyond' (2015), 'Zenith' (2019), and 'Nostalgia', released in 2023...    
...featuring thirteen songs in just forty minutes! The band are in top form, pummelling the senses and hitting the sweet spot with every song that roars past. Formed in 2005 by lead vocalist and guitarist Olof Wikstrand, Enforcer established themselves as a heavy metal force with the release of their first two albums - and haven't looked back since! Signing to one of the biggest record labels in the world Nuclear Blast Records, the band have gone from strength to strength, touring all over the world, performing at some of the biggest metal festivals, and garnering a worldwide following. 'Nostalgia' is brought to life with the simmering aura of the thirty second intro 'Armageddon', launching fully with the fast and furious 'Unshackle Me'...    
...which sees the band letting loose with an insane level of hunger and desire! The pace is very much of the old school "foot on the monitor" variety, Enforcer getting their new album off to a barnstorming start. And with an incredible increase in pace and power, 'Coming Alive' is a blistering barrage of high velocity head bang ability! And despite the speed, the band lose none of their melodious intent! Simply glorious! A breathless one-two to get the heart beating faster, 'Nostalgia' moves swiftly in the direction of balladry - for the first thirty seconds anyway! 'Heartbeats' proceeding to deliver hammer blows so heavy you better watch out or risk getting crushed. The band are on top of their game, getting stronger album by album, performing at the highest level and pushing forward at the forefront of the worldwide heavy metal scene. And by the way, 'Heartbeats' is the only song on offer to run longer than four minutes in length!    
The infectious level has been through the roof since the album began, 'Demon' maintaining that phenomena, bringing the heaviest feel heard so far. The pace and power is just sublime, the band delivering an energetic burst of heavy metal that all fans of traditional metal are gonna go crazy for. Enforcer really are in tune with the worlds metalheads, and know exactly what buttons to press! And press them they frequently do - blistering speed returning in the shape of 'Kiss Of Death' - a fast and furious song that invokes very hard head banging! I hope you've all warmed up your neck muscles properly, this is gonna be some workout! But for the moment, title song 'Nostalgia' chimes in with balladry high on the agenda, giving every listener a welcome breather from the emphatic onslaught of heavy metal from the Swedish outfit. So feel free to raise your hands in the air, hold lighters aloft and sway from side to side - you may never get another chance like this!    
Mid tempo, mid paced metal takes centre stage, the album striding on with the hard rocking 'No Tomorrow' - and a sing a long-able chorus that every concert goer will absolutely love! Should the band perform this one live, what an experience that'll be! 'No Tomorrow' is metals equivalent of "stadium rock". And here comes pace and power again, this time courtesy of the mighty 'At The End Of The Rainbow', galloping forth with an insane amount of purpose and intent. The band are in top gear here, blazing a fiery trail across the land, demolishing everything in sight - Enforcer's brand of heavy metal an unstoppable force! One of the most infectious and catchy songs on offer is the gorgeous 'Metal Supremacia', melding speed and power metal traits with an anthemic chorus. By far and away the fastest song on offer, 'Metal Supremacia' is gonna send the mosh pits into overdrive!    
The buzzing guitar riff that opens 'White Lights In The USA' is a nod back to the glorious sound of the iconic NWOBHM - Enforcer paying homage to a legendary movement that without it, heavy metal wouldn't even exist! The band deliver 'White Lights In The USA' with their root power and pace style, pleasing listeners, fans and followers everywhere, planting smiles a mile wide on their faces. And majestic melodic heavy metal takes front and centre, with 'Keep The Flame Alive' burning red hot, nodding the heads of everyone in a rhythmic back and forth motion! The intensity of the album has been phenomenal, the pace incredible, and the infectious level sky fucking high - the final song hitting like a jack hammer smashing concrete! 'When The Thunder Roars (Crossfire)' takes over as the fastest song on offer, scorching the earth as it hurtles forward, crushing everything and everyone foolish enough to stand in its way.    
Overall, a blistering forty minutes of fast paced and highly head bang-able heavy metal with a sky high infectious level.    
Review by Iron Mathew Collins    
Reviewed for Metal Gods TV    
Review is also featured at Metal-Roos    