


Bullet With Your Name E.P.

Barrel are a four piece metal band from Finland featuring Valtteri (vocals), Janne (guitar), Vellu (bass), and Honkku (drums). The bands debut release is the three song E.P. 'Bullet With Your Name', released in 2022.    
Not wishing to be pigeon holed into just the one genre of metal, Barrel are a band based on free expression, with all three songs drawing influence from the band members backgrounds and musical preferences. Opening song - and the E.P.'s title song - 'Bullet With Your Name' is clearly inspired by the classic sound of traditional heavy metal. The classic "foot on the monitor" feel is amazing, the band projecting an air of the eighties with every adrenaline pumping moment of (the song) 'Bullet With Your Name'.    
Taking a more melodic thrash metal approach, 'Adonai Elohim' has the sound and aura of nineties Metallica blended with a touch of Judas Priest. This eclectic mix of two of metals greatest bands works very well for Barrel - 'Adonai Elohim' a head bang-able barrage of heavy metal with an anthemic chant style chorus an in concert crowd are gonna go wild for.    
At over nine minutes in length, 'Dying Star' is by far and away the longest song out of the three on offer - and takes on the mantle of epic metal, delivered at a more mid tempo pace than either of the two previous songs. A short crescendo building intro gives way to a cracking foot stomping rhythm that is so infectious it's beyond comprehension - with the song progressing to play out with a long ballad come sci-fi sounding section.    
Overall, a varied and catchy three song salvo to introduce a new metal band on their debut venture.    
Review by Iron Mathew Collins    
Reviewed for Metal Gods TV    
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"a thundering march of heavy metal featuring a myriad of styles from Judas Priest to Black Sabbath and Metallica" Read Review      